These people I've never heard of or seen much of(Prostyle), and how did these people get so high? Has anyone else seen them? No. 22 Hunadam - Level 85 - Who is this?
No. 26 ProStyle - Level 83 - Wasn't his level supposed to be reset?
No. 27 Toshi - Level 74 - How is he ahead of level 80+ players?
No. 34 xLiLAngelx - Level 82 - Who is this?
No. 51 xXS3NTXx - Level 82 - Who is this?
no. 54 and no. 55 - bunnyplayboy and twinblood - Who are them?
no. 59 - Alt coded name - Level 78 - Who is that, seems like a hacker there
no. 60 ferb -level 78- who is this?
no. 63 A space? - level 52
no. 69 TalkerRiver - level 77 - Who is this?
no. 77 oXDhOodXo - level 76 - Who is this?
2 more no. 77's - Levels 66 and 67 - Space names?
no. 80 - level 67 - Space name?
no. 81 - level 73 - Space name?
no. 85 - Level 72 - Space name?
no. 90 (2 TM symbols)Hey(2 more TM symbols) - Level 67 - Ahead of 70 players, and who is this?