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Forum moderator: Splash, ManyBlackPpl  
Goodbye I Guess
Murphboy7Date: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 5:28 AM | Message # 1
RawrGunz Starter
Group: Users
Messages: 28
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Status: Offline
Well, I really don't like this server, nor any gunz servers anymore cause its always filled with spam EVERYWHERE. Besides that there is no place to start, everything you earn here seems to be from what others would call "connections" which I would call friends, Sylosis didn't get to even try for HGM cause everyone didn't want Syl, but wtf, seriously its all a fucking popularity contest, and my fucking app has only 3 god damned views... this is turning into AngelShotGunz... besides all that crap, these god damned private servers only bring 2 weeks of semi-fun, then 1 week of ridding viruses of ur computer... i finally realized how fucking dumb i was to come to these servers...

Edit: now unless someone can change my mind about private servers and this server too, ill stay, but i dont even think any1 gives a fuck if i leave.



It's my OM-NOM and I want it NOW!

Message edited by Murphboy7 - Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 5:29 AM
XxDartexXDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 9:50 AM | Message # 2
RawrGunz Addict
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Messages: 840
Reputation: 15
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>.< Im sorry for Murphboy. It really depends on your point of view on things I guess.

Quote (Murphboy7)
1 week of ridding viruses of ur computer

Really O.o?

Hope you dont leave us~!

Prolar Lizzy~!

KinkykotsuDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:20 AM | Message # 3
Group: Removed

Chyeah, I read all the applications and honestly yours was more decent than most. The Sylosis rejection was reasonable mainly because of his history with most of the staff members here.
His point of view is right, popularity contests gets you to be on the staff list. Private servers aren't that legit except some of the really big ones. Ultimately "friends" of the owner become staff, even if they're 12 years old or are idiots (no offense to anyone).
XxDartexXDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 11:22 AM | Message # 4
RawrGunz Addict
Group: Users
Messages: 840
Reputation: 15
Status: Offline
well I guess that gives you an advantage, but someone with a great app with many previous experiences vs friend of owner that just started Gunz and doesnt know anything..I think the first guy would win

Prolar Lizzy~!

Murphboy7Date: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 1:16 PM | Message # 5
RawrGunz Starter
Group: Users
Messages: 28
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Well yeah i guess, but i dont think im gonna play private servers, cause owners dont have to follow anyone but their own rules, and that doesnt work for me. I think ill eaither play ijji or quit gunz completely



It's my OM-NOM and I want it NOW!

XxDartexXDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 1:20 PM | Message # 6
RawrGunz Addict
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Messages: 840
Reputation: 15
Status: Offline
I think its better to pursue your Gunz experience and just play Ijji ^ ^. I dont really like Ijji not that fun anymore, so I play private servers only.

Prolar Lizzy~!

Message edited by XxDartexX - Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 1:21 PM
Murphboy7Date: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 1:23 PM | Message # 7
RawrGunz Starter
Group: Users
Messages: 28
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Well thats ur opinion lol, (also i upped ur rep XD) but for me, ive played too many private servers, and unlike ijji, private servers usually have (ranging from) 15-25 year old people who created it because they could... also i dont believe in donating because angelshotgunz server was in development and since the owner lived down the street from me i could get to see what was happenin, and he got a free Virtual Private Server... and im thinking this may be the same for all private servers...



It's my OM-NOM and I want it NOW!

XxDartexXDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 1:29 PM | Message # 8
RawrGunz Addict
Group: Users
Messages: 840
Reputation: 15
Status: Offline
Quote (Murphboy7)
(also i upped ur rep XD)

Thanks! but why?

Quote (Murphboy7)
private servers usually have (ranging from) 15-25 year old people who created it because they could

But private servers usually require a lot of planning and stuff, creativity comes from that age range too ^ ^

Quote (Murphboy7)
lso i dont believe in donating because angelshotgunz server was in development and since the owner lived down the street from me i could get to see what was happenin, and he got a free Virtual Private Server... and im thinking this may be the same for all private servers...

Hmm, I dont know about every single private server is given to the owner for free..some may actually need the donations. Some people actually start private servers just for the benefit of getting money for themselves. So you just gotta see and stay for a while then come to the conclusion out of all the observation on the big picture

Prolar Lizzy~!

GraphiDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 3:29 PM | Message # 9
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G_manDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 7:25 PM | Message # 10
Spartan King
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all im gona say is that if ur leaving coz that sht then what ur implying that you just played this server because of gm?
but anyways i dont wanna point fingers... paul said he was gona accept more staff later, and i do believe ur app was pretty decent, sylosis cant declined for reason paul doesnt wanna share and i knw why to... anyways if u wanna leave coz ur not gettin picked for staff, ur welcome to, but anyways i would ve liked it if yu stayed, coz we still have a lot of staff space and who knows who paul is gona pick but yahh it's up2 yu
have fun at w/e yu do in future

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

BoredlizDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 8:05 PM | Message # 11
Cucumber lady
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Messages: 609
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yyeaa wat gurpssaid but srsly.. SRSLY?!?@ sylosis? LMAO did u c his application and his introduction? if ur gonna use an example use a good one next time. i like flipping knew people would start bishing when they didn;t get gm.. that sucks but w/e hope u stay KEEZ KEEZ HUG HUG!!!!

KinkykotsuDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 9:55 PM | Message # 12
Group: Removed

Ew have you seen your application? Har har. His was decent compared to yours. Ooh. Blown.
BoredlizDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 9:59 PM | Message # 13
Cucumber lady
Group: Users
Messages: 609
Reputation: 28
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yea w/e ur his asslicker. it's like a flipping 3 some. u lick his and jamez while he licks' jamez.. hm.. jamez is just getting hs ass licked all over the place. my application was good and i didn't go too in depth with it because dsdslksdhnsdlkjds so shudup

KinkykotsuDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:01 PM | Message # 14
Group: Removed

Yeah I just won that ^_^.

Added (2009-05-06, 11:01 Pm)
Plus you didn't have to go in-depth since you'd get accepted anyways AND even if you did go in-depth, you'd still fail. ohoho.

BoredlizDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:02 PM | Message # 15
Cucumber lady
Group: Users
Messages: 609
Reputation: 28
Status: Offline
w/e. thats i closed urs TRICK. i won that

KinkykotsuDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:06 PM | Message # 16
Group: Removed

Say what? "that's i closed urs TRICK?"
Yesss you won, definitely.
BoredlizDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:08 PM | Message # 17
Cucumber lady
Group: Users
Messages: 609
Reputation: 28
Status: Offline
wat?. if u would OPEN UR EYES ud udnerstand that i meant " what's why i closed your application thread". /gg i did win..

KinkykotsuDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:10 PM | Message # 18
Group: Removed

I can't open my eyes. I'm too chinky. Sike.
Yes you win. Sure. Even your correction was incorrect. wowowow.
BoredlizDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:11 PM | Message # 19
Cucumber lady
Group: Users
Messages: 609
Reputation: 28
Status: Offline
wow.. bag OPEN EM MORE. because i meant "THAT'S WHY I CLOSED UR GM apliCATION. dude

KinkykotsuDate: Wednesday, 2009-05-06, 10:13 PM | Message # 20
Group: Removed

Duh? I'm just mocking you on how you make a lot of typos.
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