Quote (ManyBlackPpl)
ah, well that's cool. I know in the past I myself have said flow is everything, but if you're able to work things out properly, as long as you aren't just throwing in absolutely random things, then something without flow can still be great. As long as it works. I was trying to go for a war type of theme, but I guess you weren't able to see that. Oh well, thanks for the critisism.
I'm actually gonna be tough on this one.
There is just about absolute 0 flow to this. You have actually put a Master Chief in the middle of skyscrapers, with some kind of soft lighting background off the city image. The blotches of scatter isn't too appealing either. Then on the far right, it's starts out low, and makes a bend upward(a flowing concept), on a still render/non-flowing render.
And overall, I say a 5/10.
The concept you tried to portray is an awesome idea, but it was an unfortunate mess up.
Lastly, wheres the fucking border?