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BoredlizDate: Wednesday, 2009-04-22, 8:20 PM | Message # 21
Cucumber lady
Group: Users
Messages: 609
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HAHAH /GG GURPS. HI5 GRAPHIII!! biggrin SPARTANS SUUUUUUUX. its all about teh ninjaz BISH

G_manDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 1:45 PM | Message # 22
Spartan King
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1637
Reputation: 70
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graphi dont hi5 her, she'll hit yuu body coz her hand is soo big, and u ll be squashed.
ninjaz are 4 feet lil kids oki i knw i knw their skinny, but doesnt mean cool. plus they cant seee coz they have chinked eyes like yuuuu

spartansss are 100000 feet tall
with their 20319801289218218 packs and pwn everyone
300 spartarns pwned 1000000 chinks in the movie 300

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

dandelinDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 2:33 PM | Message # 23
RawrGunz Addict
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spartansss are 100000 feet tall
with their 20319801289218218 packs and pwn everyone
300 spartarns pwned 1000000 chinks in the movie 300

LOOOOOOLL u joking wright?

GraphiDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 3:15 PM | Message # 24
Group: Users
Messages: 1326
Reputation: 22
Status: Offline
Quote (dandelin)
LOOOOOOLL u joking wright?

He don't. That's true.
Quote (Boredliz)
SPARTANS SUUUUUUUX. its all about teh ninjaz BISH

Hi5! But... Ninjaz is more 'SUUUUUUUX' than spartans;))))
Quote (G_man)
dont hi5 her, she'll hit yuu body coz her hand is soo big

Eee? Handjob ftw?

G_manDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 4:56 PM | Message # 25
Spartan King
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1637
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Quote (Graphi)
Hi5! But... Ninjaz is more 'SUUUUUUUX' than spartans;))))

HI5 that sht !!!!

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

GraphiDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 5:11 PM | Message # 26
Group: Users
Messages: 1326
Reputation: 22
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whatever is that

d3lf1n0Date: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 7:33 PM | Message # 27
RawrGunz Fan
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hi gurps

Added (2009-04-23, 8:33 Pm)
Prolar Oo

Sig Made By Alex Thanks Man

BoredlizDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 9:54 PM | Message # 28
Cucumber lady
Group: Users
Messages: 609
Reputation: 28
Status: Offline
LMAO yes matt yes i will.. <3<3 xD

GraphiDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 10:10 PM | Message # 29
Group: Users
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313wizerdDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 10:59 PM | Message # 30
RawrGunz Beginner
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Lol! Gman Way to tell them.

Respect me and get respected
@@@@@@@RESPECT@@@@@@@@ >>TOM<<
GraphiDate: Thursday, 2009-04-23, 11:03 PM | Message # 31
Group: Users
Messages: 1326
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He wouldn't tell anything men...
He would enjoy it!

G_manDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 2:10 AM | Message # 32
Spartan King
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1637
Reputation: 70
Status: Offline
a handjob ??? why hj when yu can have a bj????

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

Elaine3056Date: Friday, 2009-04-24, 2:13 AM | Message # 33
RawrGunz Noobie
Group: Users
Messages: 11
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How r yaa husband LOL

anyways im a venucian im from venus POWNED
i love you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you *error system failure* oh sorry i got stuck i love your mom LOL

xoxo Elaineeeeeezoooorsss/Ellaaa/Lainey/Ellie/VonEllie/Gawdess

Message edited by Elaine3056 - Friday, 2009-04-24, 2:15 AM
G_manDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 2:19 AM | Message # 34
Spartan King
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1637
Reputation: 70
Status: Offline
lool not my fault liz made the sigg !!!! we needed to add britte and chriss too butt,, no spaceee
i swr we should make a uber big sig with al of us
welcome to yuu 2 elaiiii

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

p3dro0Date: Friday, 2009-04-24, 4:10 AM | Message # 35
RawrGunz Beginner
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Messages: 43
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can any1 help me make a signature? or make me 1?

GraphiDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 10:04 AM | Message # 36
Group: Users
Messages: 1326
Reputation: 22
Status: Offline
Wrong section;O
You won't add meh? ;O

G_manDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 10:39 AM | Message # 37
Spartan King
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1637
Reputation: 70
Status: Offline
ofcccc we would .. bt i cant photoshop for sht like really for sht
shizzle to teh dizzle honda civic

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

GraphiDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 11:08 AM | Message # 38
Group: Users
Messages: 1326
Reputation: 22
Status: Offline
My mommy got a honda civic!!!
Quote (G_man)
bt i cant photoshop for sht like really for sht

Bueheeheheh! same..o.O

G_manDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 11:23 AM | Message # 39
Spartan King
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1637
Reputation: 70
Status: Offline
Quote (Graphi)

lmaoo !!!!

my sexy Girlfriend :P jus look below :P :P

GraphiDate: Friday, 2009-04-24, 11:43 AM | Message # 40
Group: Users
Messages: 1326
Reputation: 22
Status: Offline


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