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Im all urs =D
LucienWolfDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 4:19 AM | Message # 81
RawrGunz 1337 member
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Here's another version of my sig now.

LTrikkyZeeDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 4:20 AM | Message # 82
Da GFX Pro
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Messages: 718
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Its better than the other one, But i still say u should mask em dots =P, 9.9/10, till u mask em u get a 10 xD

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
LucienWolfDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 4:32 AM | Message # 83
RawrGunz 1337 member
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Well, I"m tired with working on this specific signiature, so this is my final copy...

LTrikkyZeeDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 5:09 AM | Message # 84
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
Pro. Dots look better now, So ill give u a 10/10 for it, GJ man.

Added (2009-08-13, 6:09 Am)
Well since hope aint taking it, I did some edits to it, and Im making it mine, cuz i kinda like it =P. XD

Enjoy, Rate, CnC!

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
LucienWolfDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 6:08 AM | Message # 85
RawrGunz 1337 member
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It looks cool, 9/10, Itachi was a filler for blank space.

Added (2009-08-13, 7:08 Am)
You got Itachi, I got Neji.

LTrikkyZeeDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 6:37 AM | Message # 86
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
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You kno itachi can own neji so easy man, One sharingan trick and neji is dead.

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
LucienWolfDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 2:10 PM | Message # 87
RawrGunz 1337 member
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Itachi is one of the most, if not the most, powerful character on the show.

guztaw77Date: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 2:47 PM | Message # 88
RawrGunz Fan
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Hey PRO GFX'er O.O i request a siggy here ;D



LTrikkyZeeDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 8:02 PM | Message # 89
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
You got it frozen, gimmeh some time =P

Added (2009-08-13, 8:03 Pm)
Hey F, you asked for a bumblebee sig =P, Here im done with it lol, and ill get right on ur sig Frozen. Here F, Enjoy.


ENJOY! Rate n CnC for the other gfxers who see this =P.

Added (2009-08-13, 9:02 Pm)

I dint find any gunz render that inspires me sorry D:! But i hope this is to ur liking man. Enjoy.

Rate and CnC please other Gfxers.

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
guztaw77Date: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 8:32 PM | Message # 90
RawrGunz Fan
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Thx ;D

DecodeDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 10:44 PM | Message # 91
Support Game Mod
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LT are you done with my sig? :O

I know my heights, and I have yet to be pushed to my limits.
The little things mean most to me, so a simple comment could make my day.
RainDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 11:01 PM | Message # 92
RawrGunz Beginner
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Im requesting a sig. Make one for me if you have time if not its okay.
I want The word Rain on it. I want it to it to have like a raindrop? xD

IGN : Rain
Clan : Aura
LTrikkyZeeDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 11:06 PM | Message # 93
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
Sure sure, no decode ive been busy making the banner, im almost done with the top200 one, then ill get on urs, then on rains, deal xD?

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
RainDate: Thursday, 2009-08-13, 11:10 PM | Message # 94
RawrGunz Beginner
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Ok, thanks Trikky.

IGN : Rain
Clan : Aura
LTrikkyZeeDate: Friday, 2009-08-14, 1:39 AM | Message # 95
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
Np np lol.

Added (2009-08-14, 2:07 Am)
Okay so. Now i have 3 requests, they will all be done by tomoro. Excuse me bieng late, Im juss a bit down lately lol, So theyll all be done by tomoro, since atm i dont really feel like designing. Sorry.

Added (2009-08-14, 2:39 Am)
Alright people, Lets get a couple of stuff clear, Since some people said theyd help, But they dint, Ill juss clear it out myself no prob, On some conditions.


1. I cant make more then 2 requests a day. Thats my limit, a 3rd if i was too pleasant, which is not usually the case.
2. Please try not to ask for a sig if u kno that u wont fucking put it in ur signature panel.
3. If you ask me for a sig, And i made it, dont say "Pro man really, but can u make me another 1?" Cuz thats plain bullshit.

These are my conditions, Other than that, im glad to make u all what u want. Unless it doesnt exceed those 3 conditions. End of story. Enjoy ur day/night.

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
LucienWolfDate: Friday, 2009-08-14, 2:33 AM | Message # 96
RawrGunz 1337 member
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Messages: 1196
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Well, I'd do one if you'd stop jumping on them all =P Rofl.

SamdabeastDate: Friday, 2009-08-14, 2:58 AM | Message # 97
RawrGunz Noobie
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Trikky can you make me a sig, something to do with army please lol.

LTrikkyZeeDate: Friday, 2009-08-14, 3:19 AM | Message # 98
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
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Okay, Sure.

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,
SamdabeastDate: Friday, 2009-08-14, 3:49 AM | Message # 99
RawrGunz Noobie
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Wewt, send me link lol in pm xD

LTrikkyZeeDate: Friday, 2009-08-14, 3:58 AM | Message # 100
Da GFX Pro
Group: Blocked
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
No need for a pm =P, Ill juss post it here when im done, so make sur eu keep checking every once in a while.

-----LT BABY!

LT For ur GFX Needs. PM me or Add my msn,

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